Thursday, June 19, 2008

Signs, supplemental blog june 19

Canadians have very interesting signs, I am starting you out with an easy one as this is pretty self explanatory, while this is just a small example of signs encountered in Canada, as with any sign, you need to be observant and many times you will find hidden meanings!
This sign means there are bumps ahead in the road.
This sign means there is a likely hood of horses in the area.
This sign means there is a chance for rocks to fall from the hillside, or large bowl movements may result in "dingle berries"
This sign means a "hoven" animal may cross your path.
This sign with its small appendage added, means a "male" hoven animal may cross your path, for the next mile or so.
This one means that Large Bull Moose do pretty much what they want and for a long time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You still amaze me. I have enjoyed reading your blog and wondered if you received my note. I couldn't find a way to e-mail you but have been keeping up with your travels. I am jealous, but you are much braver than I. My goal in life is to some day see a whale that is not in captivity. Perhaps that will take me to Alaska, though not on a bike.

I started a "blog" about my recent life experience - tornado! It has a pic of myself and my baby girl. I think.

Take care of yourself and be safe. Thank you for sharing your travels with me. Big Hugs - Kim