Of all the places I have been and seen, not only on this trip, but in my lifetime, nothing compares to my experience in the Brooks. Maybe it was because it was the gateway to one of my major goals, or just because the sacrifice to get here was so great.
I was not able to catch the grandeur on film and it is point less to attempt to describe it with words. I almost felt guilty to have experienced something so beautiful and grand. The feeling was like a first kiss, a first love, once you have experienced it, will anything else ever compare!
Tears welled in my eyes during the transverse.
I will leave you with the words I wrote in my journal while resting on the tundra on the north valley of the Brooks Mountain range.
"If after today I could no longer see, what I see now will suffice for the rest of my life."
"If after today I cannot hear, the silence of this place will hold me."
"If after today, I cannot smell, the scent of the tundra will ever be in my mind."
"If after today, I see no other day, I will be complete."
"After today, and being in this place, my life, forever will never be the same!"
Tim Trickel
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