Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28-08 Denali National Park

I am writing this post from an RV park about 10 miles from the entrance of Denali National Park. I got here last night and am staying tonight as well. The lady who runs the front desk is really nice and she made me a special deal for 2 nights, there is a little complex of cabins with about 10 units. Mine is on the corner near the dog walking area and she said it was kind of noisy and gave me a better rate. Actually, while I have heard the traffic, I have not really noticed it, and I have taken the opportunity to visit some of the local canines on their walks, I miss my little dog "Shorty" and it is nice to give a "patty pat" to the little dogs.

After catching up my blog yesterday, I have gotten plenty of sleep and feel much better today. The rain has been intermittent and there has been some sunshine, but the temp has been around 50 degrees all day. I got up this morning and drove down to the park entrance and drove in as far as they would let private vehicles, I turned around and went back and hopped on one of the tour buses that take you farther into the park. I will have to say that I have been impressed with all of the national parks which I have visited so far, from the stand point of how they handle the tourist traffic and give them the best "Bang" for the buck so to speak.

I know that people experience things in different ways depending on their physical condition, time limitations etc. I think most people who come to this park are left with a satisfied feeling and memories that will last for a long time.
For the average tourist, I would highly recommend any of our national parks.

For myself, I am in a different situation and due to nearly a month of travel on the fringe of the norm I look at things differently, that is not to say that my way of travel or opinion is better or worse than others. I would like to make a few observations, just from my point of view. I don't want these to be taken offensively by others, they simply are observations that may or may not be of interest to you.

First of all, I would venture to say that 98% of the tourists I have encountered in national parks, never make it off paved roads, or walk ways, that is a shame, because generally just a few miles, or even a few hundred yards off the beaten path will be rewarded with things that most others never see. I took the tourist bus today, just because it was the only way to get further into the interior of the park. During the ride in there were two couples setting in seats across the isle from me. They had apparently met this morning at breakfast and just happened to get on the same tour bus. For the next half hour, their conversation, which was loud enough to be overheard by 1/2 the bus, was nothing more than each couple trying to one up the other. One of them was an Engineer, the other one was an Architect, one Lady was a teacher, and the other a nurse. Every other sentence was a subtle innuendo designed to elevates one couples status above the other. All the time they were just exuding fake sweetness. I just almost wished they would have just stood up, and said to each other, "we are better than you!" It was sickening.

During the half hour I was on the bus, we saw one little sickly caribou, and a glint of a bears ass disappearing into the woods. Of course both of the couples setting across the isle, became experts in wild life and back country lore! I finally had enough, and asked the bus to stop, which they will do at anytime, I had brought my back pack with me and got off for a little hike. You can stop a bus to get off to hike and flag one down to get back on at any time, which is really nice. I took a little loop trail up and around a small mountain and had a great time, I saw plenty of wild life and had a nice little lunch and nap.

A couple of hours later a flagged a bus down going back towards the park entrance, Guess what? out of the many tour buses, it was the same one I had gotten off of earlier, and the same people were on it, and my same seat was open next to the two couples. I asked the lady I had been setting next to if any one else had gotten off or on the bus, she said, "no" I also asked if they had seen any other animals and she said "no." The couples across the isle where still trying to one up each other and 1/2 hour later we were back at the park entrance. Everyone seemed happy and content with their park experience and were on their way!

Personally I thought what I saw of the park was nice, my little hike was nice, unfortunately for me it was not a show stopper, I am having scenery overload issues. For me, I also get more of a thrill, when I am in a place that is remote and while it may sound selfish, someplace where I don't have to share it with others.

Tomorrow I plan to head south to Talkeetna, then head out on the "Petersville Road" a rarely used road that skirts the south side of Denali National park, but is not under park authority. I have an appointment for Monday to get a new rear tire, but not until 5:00pm. I hope the weather clears, as the view of Mt. McKinley is supposed to be good from the south side.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim.
I've really enjoyed your blog.
It's been a great read.
Wonder what's next for you?
Be safe.