Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I missed a day July 22 08

The casino treated me good!

I am sorry, some where along the way I missed a day, I think? Anyway, I spent the night in Fort Bragg, which actually is a town on the California coast, I was going to camp out and seek "Big Foot" but due to the tire episode I opted to stay in a hotel. For those of you reading this blog, who have ever changed a motorcycle tire in the field, you know that it is a real pain in the "A#$". When you are done, you are pretty much dirty from head to toe, not to mention the fact that you have to use every part of your body, to break the bead, and use proper leverage to remount the tire and seat the bead.

I thought all was done with my tire issues, but about 10 miles out of Ft. Bragg, the tire whet down again. I was able to pull off next to the road, I pulled the tire off and found that the patch I had put on the day before had failed. Once again an hour later I was off, it was holding air well. 50 miles down the road I made it to a town called "Ukiah" CA, I pulled off at the first exit and pulled into a strip mall to get a phone book to find the local Kawasaki dealer, when I stopped I found that I was parked in front of the local Kawasaki dealer, what good Karma!

I walked up to the service desk and asked if they had any heavy duty front tubes for a Kawi 650, yes they did, and they were only $20.00 ea. I told the parts man about my problems, and I just happened that the service man overheard my conversation, he quickly intervened and asked me about my trip, as he too had just recently purchased a new 650. To make a long story short, 30 mins and $20.00 later, they changed out my old tube, balanced my tire and I was on my way. Big "PROPS" to Doug and all the staff at "Motor sports of Ukiah"!!!

I headed east out of Ukiah towards the Sierra Nevada mountain range, I have booked a couple of nights in Lake Tahoe, but need to kill some time as they are not until next week.

I was planning to camp out tonight, but in the middle of no where I saw a big building. What could it be? It was a large Indian gaming complex in the middle of no where. What should I do? Well I stopped, went in, had a few beers, played some black jack, got friendly with the pit boss, got a $50 room, which was by far the best room, I have had on this trip. Spent the evening, and when I left in the morning was exactly $293.00 in the positive after all expenses where paid!

Life is good!


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