Well, I have just been spending the last few days hanging out in the redwood forest. Once again thanks to the abilities of my motorcycle I have been able to get to the road less traveled and see areas that the usual tourist would not see.
Being amongst these trees has been a highlight of this trip, they are so majestic! To walk amongst them makes you feel so privileged.
Of all the places I have been so far on this trip, this would be my number one pick for a family vacation. While I had a great time by myself, I observed many families with children who were having a ball. When you get around trees, kids know what to do, just run around, climb etc. The only down fall is an abundance of poison oak, which one needs to avoid.
The only negative of this area is the towns here, Arcate, Eureka and others are right in the heart of "Humbolt" county which for those of you who do not know about "Humbolt" county, it is pretty much the Marijuana, growing and smoking capitol of the United States. Marijuana is decriminalized here, so basically if you get caught with less than an ounce of pot, you are not breaking the law, also this is where you can get prescriptions for legalized pot, and this is where most of the medical marijuana is grown.
I am an open minded person, and like many recent presidents and candidates I have smoked the evil weed, and I even inhaled, and quite frankly enjoyed it. This part of the country is an example of something that is taken to a complete extreme, not only pot smoking, but hardcore liberalism as well. There is kind of an anything goes type of mentality, and I feel that there is going to be a backlash at some point in time. The area is just over run with teenagers, and young 20 somethings, as well as many old left over hippies, who have traveled here to visit the holy grail of pot smoking and to become, or relive their lives as "Hippies".
There are beggars and panhandlers every where. You literally cannot get out of a vehicle or walk for more than a few yards without being hit up for some change or a few bills. In the towns you see people roaming around aimlessly just stoned out of their minds, then look down any alley or around vacant buildings and there will be people passed out, even in the middle of the side walks. It is really sad.
On Saturday evening I hung out on the square in Acarta, which is the epicenter of everything going on radical around here. The square was buzzing with the beat of drums, and dancing, also there were multiple protests and marches going on, the anti-war people were there, as well as anti-Bush people, PETA, etc. The were roaming around the square, yelling at people and just going berserk. It was a little scary at times, because most of the protesters where just stoned beyond comprehension, they would yell their chants and work themselves into a fervor, they would get right in your face and yell, while spitting and drooling, thier bloodshot eyes while filled with general hatred were windows to vacant souls.
I believe in peoples right to protest, and I think it is a good thing at times, what bothered me about this scene was that I don't feel the majority of the participants had any real idea what they were protesting about or for, it just seemed to be a follow the leader mentality help along with being stoned out of their minds, most of these were young youths, who heaven help us will be the leaders of the next generation. They were probably born of the hippies of the 60's and 70's, if you think they led us in the right direction, just visit these free love and drug areas and you will see what happens when every thing that feels good is allowed. Complete Chaos!!!
I am sorry, I am not intending to preach, visit this area and made judgements for yourself, just be forewarned that you may have a little culture shock, or should I say "Lack of Culture shock".
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