Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A.K.A "Vienna" What does it mean?

For those of you not in the know, Vienna is a moniker that I used while hiking the Appalachian Trail. I.E. my trail name. Monikers of this type have been used for many years, primarily in the underground world of travel. Hobo's of old used monikers, like "Box Car", "Flat Track" etc. Most Notably in the book and movie, "Into the Wild", Christopher McCandless used the moniker "Alexander Super Tramp".

These monikers are either self proclaimed, earned or given, by others. During adventure travel, most will go by their moniker. Being immersed in an environment on the fringes of society many people want to remain anonymous or simply use a new identity of escape from the world. It also is a point of interest that can be used for striking up conversation with other travellers or non-travelers, what ever the situation may dictate.

Some of my best friends in the world, address me by "Vienna" because they know the story behind the name. I accept that as a compliment as they are aware of the history of the name.

Those who address me by my moniker because they know me by no other name are very special!

How did I get the moniker "Vienna"? Well it has nothing to do with extensive world travel, it simply is due to the fact that while on the trail, or on the road, I love to eat "Vienna" Sausages, they are cheap, full of fat and you can buy a can of "Vienna" Sausages, a package of "Ramen" noodles, and for around a "Dollar" you have a very full filling meal!

How anti clamactical is this post?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Vienna. I still prefer to call you Cuz or Chief Yellow Leg.
