Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to the Ghetto shack! 08-05-08

Well I made it back to the ghetto shack today! It is nice to be home. Thank goodness my neighbor has yet to secure his wireless network, so I am piggy backing off of him at this point in time. While I had not shut off my utilities, I did shut off my cable while I was gone, hence the Internet was off as well.

I do apologize for the poor blogs the last couple of weeks, after I got through the redwood forest, I had decided it was time to come home, but of course Tahoe and Vegas interrupted things a bit. After my tire episode in the desert and experience with the "diddler" I knew it was time to wrap up this part of the adventure. The negative point was the only way to get home was across the desert and the heat was overwhelming, until I got to northern New Mexico, the days were 120 plus temp wise and it was frustrating not being able to make good progress.

Once I got home today everything was just fine, with the exception of my hot water heater which would not light. I spend about an hour working on it, and finally gave up, while I was gone my crawlspace flooded, hopefully I can repair it with a new thermal coupler. After I worked on the HW heater I was really dirty, not to mention I was still wearing sweat soaked clothes from the last few days, I took a shower with no hot water and it was not uncomforatable at all, quite nice actually.

I am having trouble typing on this full size key board, what a reversal, it took me a month to get adept on the mini-key board, now I am learning all over again.

My AC unit is trying to catch up, and I am still tired and sunburned from the last week or so. I will be posting some follow up blogs the next few days, so don't tune me out just yet. There are a number of people that I need to thank, and I have a lot on my mind that I want to share in regards to this trip.

My plan for the next month or so, is to tie up some loose ends, help dad around the farm, etc...see old friends, and I really need to spend some quality time with my dog! I very much am looking forward to the autumn season and am planing a couple of little adventures, I will fill you in as they develop, and once again hope you will go along for the ride!


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